On the 3rd of February 2022, Newcastle and Northumbria University Conservative Societies hosted the Primrose dinner together with guests Rt. Hon Michael Gove MP and the Rt. Hon Sir John Hayes CBE MP. 

The dinner was held at the Northern Counties Club, and it was an amazing opportunity to hear and engage with the senior politicians. As well as having the opportunity for neighbouring Universities such as York and Durham to be in attendance and provide future links between our organisations. 

Northumbria University Conservative Society is often invited to co-host such events kick-started by our sister society in Newcastle University.  

Society President Joshua Clark says :  

It was a great pleasure to welcome two very senior Conservative politicians into our region, and into my home city. Northumbria students had the opportunity this month to dine and drink with two very distinguished MPs. As well as listening to Michael Gove discuss how ‘levelling up’ will impact us, and of the future of conservatism.  

Many were left captivated by his speech and took up the chance to ask follow up questions. Opportunities such as this don’t come often. However, our society will continue to put out events like these to students at Northumbria who are passionate about preserving our home. 

I personally found this incredibly exciting! Our course works heavily on theory, but to put what we have learned into practice and pose the difficult questions to those in power was an incredibly rewarding experience. The society’s events help our members work on public speaking skills so when it comes to nights like this where you have to stand up in front of over fifty of your peers and address very influential people, some of whom you may look up to, we see that practice pay off! 

My sincere thanks go out to both gentlemen for offering up their time to meet us and inspire our students with their thoughts and experience. I too offer my thanks to Will Hayes and his team at Newcastle University

If these sorts of events interest you, as well as regular opportunities to debate politics, network and meet like-minded people. You can join Northumbria Conservatives via Facebook or the Student Union website for just 50p.”