Chris Freeman – Second year IRP student
Why did you choose to come to Northumbria?
I have visited the city of Newcastle several times and I love the vibe and culture of the city. Northumbria was a perfect fit for my ambition to both get a high quality degree and continue playing sport at a high level.
What is it about the course that appealed to you?
I studied politics at A-level and the intricacies of the political system has always intrigued me and the addition of IR widened my view on the political landscape
What do you like the most about your course?
The helpfulness of both lecturers and peers.
Do you have any advice for anyone applying for your course?
Be open to challenge your own views on issues, and don’t be surprised if you end up changing your mind; it’s a good thing!
Do you have any lessons that you want to pass on to fellow students?
Make the most of your time at Northumbria. It will fly by, but if you put in the work you’ll have the best 3 years of your life.
What are your plans for the future?
I plan to emigrate to Australia following the completion of my degree in 2020