Politics beyond Westminster

Author Ariane Bogain

Why it was so important that LGBTQ+ history month was celebrated at universities in Newcastle – by Kyle Frazer

February was a time for celebrating love on the 14th, whether with your significant other or a box of Tesco Value wine, a time for realisation that Semester Two had actually started and that you should probably start some work,… Continue Reading →

Devolution and the Yorkshire Party – Chloe Harrison

Today I accompanied Councillor Blackie to a Local Government Association Branch meeting for Yorkshire and Humber. One of the lead speakers was Arnie Craven, the Elections Officer from the Yorkshire Party, there to petition Councillors to join his movement and… Continue Reading →

The highs and lows of a placement year – Chloe Harrison

This year, instead of going into my third and final year at university, I chose to undertake an industry-based work placement. Industry is a funny word to describe my placement, as it conjures up images of jobs in heavy industry,… Continue Reading →

Where now for Marine Le Pen?

What a difference a year makes in politics. Ten months ago, Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far-right party the National Front, reached the second round of the French presidential election, garnered a record-breaking 10 million votes in the… Continue Reading →

10 reasons why every politics and IR student should watch Borgen

Maybe it was the change of decade, maybe we needed some cold exoticism, maybe we were craving for Northern lights. Whatever the reason, a delightful wave of drama made in Scandinavia swept across Britain in the 2010’s. Nordic noir, with… Continue Reading →

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