Introducing the Power, Culture and Identities Research Group

Northumbria Sociology’s new research group will promote social research at Northumbria University The Power, Culture and Identities research group aims to bring together social researchers working in the Department of Social Sciences and beyond, providing a focal point for debate and collaboration. Below we introduce the idea behind the group and give information about our forthcomingContinue reading “Introducing the Power, Culture and Identities Research Group”

Listening to the voices of Volunteers in Conflicts and Emergencies

Professor Matt Baillie Smith writes about his recent visit to Stockholm to share findings from the ViCE Initiative. When I packed my bags for our project conference in Stockholm on Volunteers in Conflicts and Emergencies (ViCE), I was mostly focused on the incredible stories volunteers have been telling us about living and volunteering in aContinue reading “Listening to the voices of Volunteers in Conflicts and Emergencies”

From Northumbria Sociology to Changing Lives

Charlotte Nisbet, who graduated with a first class degree in Sociology in summer 2017, reflects on how her studies have helped her excel in her first job post-graduation. In summer 2017 I graduated from studying Sociology at Northumbria University. Over the course of my three years at Northumbria I changed from a person who wouldContinue reading “From Northumbria Sociology to Changing Lives”

Social betterment and healthier, happier communities

PhD student Amanda McBride reflects on her experiences as a Cumberland Lodge Scholar At the beginning of September I was inducted into the Cumberland Lodge, an educational charity tackling social divisions by promoting creative thinking and inclusive dialogue. The Lodge was founded in 1947 when King George VI very kindly allowed Amy Bueller use ofContinue reading “Social betterment and healthier, happier communities”

Women, mining and participatory photography

Dr Katy Jenkins reports on the first results of her Leverhulme-funded research project: After a nail-biting weekend of worried messages to and fro with my wonderful RA, Lexy Seedhouse, in Peru, finally the first photos from my participatory photography project arrived… Over 1,000 photos from 12 women, they’ve really got stuck into it! The project,Continue reading “Women, mining and participatory photography”