Mark Griffiths introduces his research on development work and volunteering in India and political activism in Palestine
I began my position at Northumbria in September 2016 and look forward to engaging with the vibrant research and student community we have here. My research has focused on development work and volunteering in India and political activism in Palestine. Across both sites I focus on the body, positionality and ethics, seeking to understand the role of affects and emotions in struggles for social justice.
For anyone interested, I’ve just had a couple of things published online that might be of interest: first a blogpiece for the Royal Geographical Society that gives an overview of an article I wrote last year on class and ethics, and second a video abstract I was asked to make for the journal Antipode in which I discuss my work in Palestine.
Mark Griffiths is Research Fellow in Environmental and Global Justice in the Department of Social Sciences, Northumbria University.
Twitter: @casesofyou